
Counterpoint: it’s illegal as fuck.

You know they’ll argue that LBJ took more games to outscore MJ, ignoring both that, well, he played more playoff games and he’s not a scorer like MJ.

A flat tax ignores the decreasing marginal value of money.

He threw it to the guy who was wide open.

You’ve never tried it.

And I’ll go with “Republican Party.”



Spanked my ass and left that impression.

Your version is more concise and doesn’t suffer from pseudo-economic sophistry.

Like Clackers, only less annoying. Or lawn Jarts, without the impalement anticipation.

Like Clackers, only less annoying. Or lawn Jarts, without the impalement anticipation.

+1 Squier

Use the top of their seat to help you stand up. Oh, short people love that!

It kinda fits, though.

The article then goes on to prove his point, then circles back and reiterates the first assertion.

My legs seem like they were made for kicking. Gives me something to do on long flights.

I look better than him; I’m fifty and have let myself go.

It’s more likely that this reveal will speed up the approach of using a laptop bomb. It might not even be against a US-bound flight. It could be used against a softer target.

I’ve had mostly good experiences with dealers, but once we were shopping for a new Accord (2004). Still have that as my DD, actually. Anyway, one sales lady would not give us the price of the car.

The US was given that information on the condition that we don’t divulge it to others. Good luck getting that sort of intel again.