
Fresh outs are cheap.

That’s a good argument for health insurance at the federal level. The small, red states are the ones where there are fewer insurance providers than they need.

Term limits empower lobbyists.

It’s much more of a real issue that this thing doesn’t have CBO scoring and hasn’t had any real debate on the floor.

Next you’ll tell us that many bills are written by evil lobbyists, because they happen to be the subject matter experts who can best draft legislation affecting their interests.

This 127-page bill refers back to the 2000-page ACA multiple times per page. It’s a shit-show.

Being smart, hard-working, collaborative, or even honest are not among the job requirements of a legislator.

You have to realize just how lazy your typical congressman is.

I’m okay with Representatives relying on their staff to read and evaluate bills. However, if there were more (any?) time to debate and reflect on its contents, then the Representatives would be much more knowledgable on what they were voting on.

Crank up some Phil Collins and it’s just like being on Miami Vice!

You weren’t under the mistaken impression that the ACA was free to anyone except the destitute, were you?

Why would they price the product where they cannot afford it?

The difference is private companies are in it to make the most money, they do not want to price it to where nobody can afford it

does not allow true competition or market forces to work

He looks like a man who owns a boat. I’d be his friend.

It doesn’t work.

No one ever accused him of being very smart. Except, you know, people who don’t know him.

It’s not a directive if it’s not a directive.

What do we propose to do when Obama Care premiums jump another 50% and deductibles go up another $3,000 for the next year if something isn’t done now?

Unless it’s actually spelled out in the terms of their scholarships. If it were, they wouldn’t be asking the student-athletes to comply, they’d be telling them to.