
Good luck finding a hat to fit that head. Jesus!

Matt Barnes tries to kill a guy, but at least he didn’t say a bad word.

It’s just a weasel word.

I could shorten that up for you.

Republicans do not want to deny people healthcare - that’s just retarded.

“...a free market solution that would effectively lower the cost of both health care and health insurance.”

Companies are not their CEO. They aren’t even people. They’re amoral legal constructs. They even employ steering boards to avoid having someone take personal responsibility for the company’s actions and policies.


The Bears had to have thought they were bidding against the Browns for the #2 pick. Since the Browns have such a high number of picks to trade, the Bears had to offer a lot to win that competition.

Grilled fruits and vegetables taste great. Next time you’re grilling steaks or burgers, grill some peppers and onions. Maybe peaches.

At least throw in a cute bunny rabbit or a talking squirrel, for crying out loud.

You’re the one blaming Republican actions on Obama.

Point taken. Because they always send both the thief and the owner to jail.

I laughed when Spicer gave the stereotypical lie, “in two weeks.”

Bullshit blame-shifting.

If they didn’t have to tear down a pumpjack from Bear Ears, then oil and gas exploration wasn’t a “traditional use,” then, was it?

The federal government already owned this land. It’s not a “land grab” you ignorant motherfucker.

Ooooohhhh. Who put dat der?

Ajit Pai would fail Econ 101.

The ISP business is not a free market.