
They rape you at Taco Bell?

Dave’s not here, man.

I’m sorry, but this is the Internet. You’re going to have to provide a list of references related to your snarky one-liner, preferably in the form of links that anyone else here could find in seconds.

You can just say you’re following Trump’s “Tell it like it is” style these people seem to like.

Yep. Art Modell taught me that. The Browns weren’t my team - they were his team.

Nothing that satisfied the Freedom Caucus would pass the Senate.

No, I’m not arguing that statistics don’t matter. Just that exercise doesn’t necessarily mean anything to a particular individual. Your anecdotes are no more valuable than mine.

My father was a postman with a walking route. He walked several miles each day carrying a sack of mail. He died a couple years after retiring, from a heart attack.

See? His logic checks out, even in Latin.

“Skate skank” is also acceptable.

the coach put his penis in a hot dog bun, showed it to players, and said, “You think that is a big dog - take a look at this.”

I don’t care if they respect the Clippers’ fans. I want them to win the championship. That’s the goal.

Politicians never hold themselves responsible for their failures. That’s our job, as voters.

Republicans have long dreamt of throttling Medicaid, which my multiply-handicapped son will rely on to live. They can’t wait to deny him benefits.

Anyone who uses the fungibility of money to deny allowing PP to supply medical services should be asked if the same logic should apply to religiously-affiliated hospitals and clinics.

It’s actually worse than that.

We have seen no evidence of that. No.