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    I can’t even describe the look on my face right now...how do such horrible entitled people even exist? Is it an American thing? Is there something in the water?

    Ugh....my vagina just can’t...*swoons

    That’s exactly what I thought!!!

    Ah Nigeria....making me super proud as usual.

    arrrgghhhhh! Mental image! It burns!

    It's awesome....Everyone gets a monogrammed thermos when they save bread.

    i had to wait till 4... It sucks living 5 hours ahead.

    I'd probably just do a mindy....stay in a corner and wait for death.

    yeah...African families tend to be like that. If your elders tell you the sun is neon green...then it's neon green...at least to their faces.

    It's like you read my mind. I live in Nigeria, so I know what you mean. It's just so infuriating and irresponsible! The dark side of "privilege" I guess.

    I'm going to say it...this is some first world bullshit. Why would you not vaccinate your kids?!?! Aarrrrggghhhhh!