
lol, ok so Apple didn't call it as "The New iPhone" as I suspected (which was based from how they called their new iPad), but neither was I trolling. And yes, calling it that way would sound silly. Makes me wonder if they'll call the new iPad as "iPad 4" after the skipped calling the new iPad, iPad3 or iPad HD.

Really? I have an iPod Touch 4thGen, and an S3.... if you're talking about the interface, I'd prefer TouchWiz on the S3 over my iPod Touch's iOS... In fact, I would pull my iPodTouch out to change music and sigh about not seeing much information on the screen or stuff that matters to me. I'd have to pull out my S3

Having a non-removable battery alone makes me skip over a phone, regardless of how great it is. Makes go to places without having to worry when will I find a wall socket to plug in a charger. On the GSIII with my regular use, I could go 2-3 days without worrying of charging my phone (I have two spare batteries) and if

Go to privacy settings and select the application that accessed your profile, from there, you can delete it and revoke access to your stuff.

VOTE: Namecheap

Rapidshare?!! Really?! *sigh*

Nothing is forever secure, they`ll be stumped and cracked sometime in the future... What makes NFC much secure is that to communicate via NFC, it should be within a very close range... like the article said, within 4 inches... So unless the hacker hugs you or does something to keep your phone so close to his laptop or

Yes please! :D

I said the same thing until I got an Galaxy S III.... I still think the Note is unnecessarily large (even more for the Note 2)

The next one will still be called "The New iPhone" essentially taking out the numbering... I know it will confuse a lot of people, but it makes it easier since their stuff now has a standardized look. "Which iPhone do you want?" "The new one, of course"

FAKE! I'd say... The iPhone 5 is the 4S......................................... the new iPhone will be called, "The New iPhone" no numbers. Just the "new iPhone", as much as how they called the new ipad the new ipad....

I've always been taught that hard drives wear down less if you have the computer on all the time than if you have it turn on and off everyday... anyone who knows better?

I know... Plus, these kinds of posts are things I expect to see from io9, NOT gizmodo......

Well, there you go.... I saw this coming a mile a way when they won that last case. I mean, really.... Will stimulate innovation? Yah right, when has APPLE innovated on their products? That iPod Touch 4G was my first and will be the last Apple product I have... Once I have disposed of it, I will NEVER get any Apple

Looking for the better/complete image on the headline? click here:!prettyPhoto/1/

Takes me about 40-50 minutes to work and spend about 30 of those in the subway... Then going home is about 60-80 minutes (I takes a different route, because heading home on that same route on my way to is VERY crowded, stinky, have to stand up in the subway, and just plain uncomfortable)


That's the RT version... the PRO version is slated next year...

hahaha, just looking at the top image, it does look like plasticky...