
D: I want it! smexy! I wonder how much it will cost? Probably around $500 and will be Windows 8 Pro (since it's not an ARM processor, heh Intel Atom)... MS Surface Pro is slated for next year, but that doesn't mean other manufacturers have to follow MS...

I wonder what's the location of that?

These are kinds of posts I expect to see on io9... NOT Gizmodo... *sigh*

I agree... And that's the annoying part of religion.... I am deeply annoyed when I hear very deeply religious people say, "stop trying to learn how god did it! It's a disrespect to him, blah blah blah"

Which is why science is there to make sense of things. If science one day find out who or how these laws were made then great. Science, as I personally view it, can neither prove or disprove the existence of a supernatural being, if there are. Science for me is a way to investigate and understand what we don't

Their bioweapons division....

Same, I like the bold Microsoft text only logo... it screams "we're big and bold" not to mention forward looking... meanwhile the new logo shows how they've become soft and cuddly...

Uh, maybe they should consider the repercussions of their actions before doing it? They might think they're doing something good, but it's probably not the best time to do it. Our current society is still very dependent on oil, and cutting it off just don't make things better. It's like sending a group of people to


Sorry about my conduct, the times I wrote those stuff weren't the best time of the day. My comment to your first comment in this thread was the actual justification of your first sentence

Ehehehehe, XD, i see... Good to know! I thought there some other pun to it... Hehe

MS Research is much different branch of MSFT, although she might be in some NDA, but probably something that doesn't cover Windows 8. I've been in a couple of MSFT NDAs, and there's always one line which says you can't disclose anything that hasn't been publicly disclosed by MSFT itself or after 5 years from where the

Not before you try out those bag of jelly beans....

I did... But those were movies I'd generally not watch. Meanwhile Netflix does a pretty good job in rating certain stuff 4 stars or up, indicating that I'd actually like them, which most of the time I do. There will always be that one odd ball film that would be ranked high for you by netflix and you just don't really

*sigh* ok sir. You're the intelligent guy here. Guide me and explain. You seem to be the all knowing guy here who knows everything down to every detail.

Right. Because anyone involved in the development and processing of the product from the printing, publication, delivery, and retailing has done it for free out of the goodness of their heart by volunteering to do so. Awesome. Tell me about how you'd work for free then talk to me about not letting companies gain

I agree... As always, Gizmodo and their headings aren't always correct, but generates clicks...

Requoting the first paragraph:

No, the extra cost is due to shipping, publication to DVD, and retailer profit... Meanwhile, MSFT can give it out down to 39.99 because it's just a digital copy from their site which you can download and burn if you so wish...