other option is turn off your smartphone, or uninstall all apps, and keep connected to the charger all day in home.
It's softened water that has too many salts. Hard water might have too many minerals - but not all tap water is this hard. Your plants don't care if they're seeing animal/human medicine, antibiotic runoff or hormone runoff - plants don't use animal hormones and don't have a sentient preference either way. Besides,…
I water my plants with vodka. They're more fun at parties that way.
I love Lifehacker advice columns.
But the white root area's are the tastiest parts of a scallion... And that's not really too much of an issue, if you can source them cheaply. At least in Los Angeles, any jaunt down to Koreatown's various Korean supermarkets will net you at least 3-5 of the scallion/green onion bunches (about 6 to 8 per bunch) for a…
You know nothing!
A Sponsored Data partner site isn't getting more bandwidth than a site that chooses not to participate, so it's not "exactly" what net neutrality is supposed to be preventing. It's a marketing program at the heart, not a technological advantage.
one of the first things I noticed about the new kinect is that it actually has a cooling fan. I found that odd but if it's really getting that hot then I guess it makes sense.
I don't know if it's true but I remember reading somewhere that some of the voice command processing as well as motion processing is actually…