Boom! That's my only issue, before. I disabled the sound on the chat settings and then BOOM! It's so peaceful. Facebook chats can wait.
Boom! That's my only issue, before. I disabled the sound on the chat settings and then BOOM! It's so peaceful. Facebook chats can wait.
Ditto Ditto
I've watched this, and I rate it 4/5. Nazi in space? Yep, it screams comedy with a sci-fi twist. However, the sci-fi bits are mostly limited to the fact that you have Nazis in space. Think of it as a parody kind of film, but in a really good and well done way. I doubt you'll regret watching it. You'd get some humor…
Dr Who is like "That happens because this is sci-fi" kind of thing... Ever thought of Dinosaurs in space? Whoops, there you go... The world is ruled by the Romans lead by Winston Churchill? Oh, there's that too!
I have it and played around, but I'm surely gonna end up doing this...
Looking at how bored they are, they look exactly how bored me and my friends are working at McDonalds Canada.... I'd take that job over my McDonalds job anytime... And yes, the cost of living where those factory workers live is way lower than in Canada or other First World countries so whatever they make would be…
BAM! I agree, it loads so slow even on Wifi or LTE. The mobile site via browser or using your computer and a browser is way faster.
While I won't say android is "worse", WP8 (or wp7 on its own) already has deep integration with Facebook. However, modifying it to custom tailor a "true" facebook experience is against the very essence of Windows Phone... What makes WP as WP is the fact that it gives the user a very stock experience, just like iOS. No…
It was the clip I saw from the theatres when I went to see a film a few days ago... I can't remember which one. It looked amazing on the big screen.
Interesting, might actually watch this. Thanks!
What film?
Ah that's true... Where did all of my studies and hobbies in electronics go? haha
but isn't 4AA pumping out 6V? while USB out out charge should be 5V?
His post definitely needs a standing ovation
Well, I'm sure the functionality that will be missing would be functions that aren't actually used... I've read firewire among another things... I mean, what would you use that for?
That's reasonable enough for me and is exactly what I first thought of. I don't mind that happening, the bothering part is just that a lot of people have already invested in products that have the 30-pin making them nearly obsolete once the iPhone 5 is released with a newer 19-pin connector. If they sell (or better,…
featureless app? Might try this for android... or for Google Chrome... hehehehe
I am slightly concerned your In-Depth series of Windows 8 was made using the Dev Preview... I saw the now removed start button, and there a couple of other significant changed from the Dev Preview to the Consumer Preview and the Release Preview.... Such as the sidebar task switcher when you move your mouse to the top…
would love to build that, link please? hehe