As much as I didn't want to reply, I was disturbed by your lack of knowledge.
As much as I didn't want to reply, I was disturbed by your lack of knowledge.
VOTE: Dolphin
Well, it is to be expected... For an app that's supposed to track your jog/hike it is indeed meant to have GPS on most of the time to do this satisfactorily. There's no way around this, it WILL drain your battery.
Never knew Chrome Frame never needed admin rights to install... Then again, Google Chrome never needed admin rights to install either... Since it get's installed to the current user's directory instead of Program Files.... So maybe, they could install Google Chrome without the need to sacrifice loosing access to…
Oddly, some retailers increase the price before they put on discounts... I caught one last December... I was eyeing for a particular product since October, but didn't find time or initiative to buy until December when they had it discounted... When I looked it said 20% off, but my mind was so confused that it didn't…
I bought wool and it has been sitting on my kindle app for a long while now... Maybe I should start reading it....
Difference is that PDF can be intercepted and modified digitally, meanwhile fax is less susceptible to being modified since the image is scanned, transmitted, and printed at nearly the same time... Which means whatever is being printed on the other end is pretty much what is being transmitted and scanned from the…
lol, sounded a bit like a canon ad near the end (before the bonus stuff)... Nonetheless, good watch! I wonder if all canon SLRs are close to this kind of duarability...
Awesome, good for you! Anyhow, regarding usability, it works almost like TB (if you have used TB) and I've used TB for several years already... There just some slight differences in the interface, which might make or break the experience... Regarding the profile, I haven't explored that, yet... But, I've seen a…
Isn't the future like this anyway (as depicted by sci-fi)?
They're just a bit frustrated about the price since they're now all used to thinking even desktop programs should be priced like mobile phones apps......
Yeah, their almost 3 year old HTC Desire Z is still rocking and is still being used by me... It is THE best QWERTY smartphone out there... Unfortunately, the future looks cloudy about QWERTY smartphones... and HTC is loosing because they tried to focus themselves, but it seems they focused too much and no longer…
Thanks! This will be my new dual monitor wallpaper!
count me in! in 60 years I'd be 82... so they should really make it in 50 years or less... I'd really be happy to travel in space even at least once in my lifetime... I don't mind not going back to Earth... If that means I'd experience something unique at our time and be able to contribute to the future of space…
Oh right...... XD My bad!
Same.... Since the contact sync only adds the Facebook information to the contact entry when you link your phone and Facebook contact.... Together... So if Facebook did this, it won't affect phone contacts at all... Unlike how the contact sync on Facebook's iOS app works....
Damn you auto correct!!
Yeah, Microsoft is still pushing the tech forward... I'd really love to see one in person... Microsoft is still looking for a way to introduce it to the general public, but simply the cost isn't viable for them, yet, to send it to the public which is why they only have it available for corporate or developers... I…
You, sir, are waaaaaaay beyond misinformed.... Yes, they never sold one.... to the public, that is... They sold it to corporate since the cost of the device is staggering and is not a viable sales income from the general public. It wasn't a flop, it worked and it sold.