
Nope, the video was older... way older.

Maybe you should have tried it first before posting such troll comments, eh? And nothing's useless, just "less useful" one way or another for one person. You may not like it, but some other people may. Please post much useful comments next time.

the old tech demo looked better for me... Oh, and if you zoom out the map, you can find other location than the provided San Francisco and NY areas... I parts of Niagara, and Vancouver there....

True, often it's just the privacy scare that people get because of the media and how they convey such information.

True, you can't have so much emergencies in a year... Maybe unless you're a doctor, or such... But yeah... In Toronto, majority of people travel by the city's public transit, which can sometimes be tardy in their scheduled arrival times. However, to compensate for this, most people acknowledge this fact and try to get

The best solution for me was to set a meetup time about an hour ahead, so that they actually come on time, even though they're late for the said meet up time. However, I don't use this method often as they learn and intentionally try to be late because they know I actually set the meetup time an hour ahead, and what

The only true reason I rooted my phone was for Titanium Backup... And from there, I discovered custom ROMs, and learned how to do ADB, and install a custom ROM and other kinds of things. Up to this moment, the only reason I really need root is for Titanium Backup.

I put everything in folders... "Organizer", "System", "Shelf", "Media", "Comm", "Awesome1", etc... hope you get how that works...

I can use it for other things?! I was used to drinking the whole thing out... haha

It has a plot?! OMFG, singleplayer?! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I wouldn't be surprised if (in the supposed to be season 3) Eli figured how to upload his entire body to destiny (kinda what happened to dr Franklin) and figured how to download his body back when it's already time to. Myabe by then they could figure how to create a body for Ginn and dr Perry through the same

Netflix uses Silverlight (obviously by Microsoft) because Silverlight is less prone to having streaming content being "stolen" because they can add DRM to the content being streamed. Also, Silverlight streaming is much more light-weight than flash counterparts. And because of the use of DRM, the open-source

@PajamaSam: children do not actually know how dildoes and gay bath houses look.. seriously... I didn't even thought of comparing them to those or thought of them similar to what the person was describing...

Interesting.... never thought of that...

Netflix? Oh c'mon... I can watch almost every damn tv show or movie from any damn country whenever I want without even paying... Through YouTube that is... well, technically that's not legal... right?

maybe they should have emphasized **NEARLY** as much as I did...

Mallozzi (one of the producers) did mention VFX for this and the next episode's will be the most epic, yet to be seen. Too bad there won't be anymore...

I was sad for Lisa Park in this episode. She's a darling character for me, and that happening to her made me really sad. What's even more sad is that the next episode will be the last (but hopefully not really the last, I hope to see more even after a year or so). However, I did like the Star Wars reference there...

oh... ahahaha, maybe turning off the mobile radio/"phone" connection does the same thing? I don't know... heh

I heard you can access disallowed apps by connecting to wifi using your phone without a sim card inserted.. not sure if that works...