
I do certainly agree, having friends and relative help you out moving is a good assurance that they will do their best NOT to break anything. However, on second thought, some might be just going like "oh should be fine if I break something, it's not like we're not friends or anything" and that's what scares me... But

point is, anyone with this data can know where you are at particular times of the day and week, and even month. Would you want to add that kind of information available to such people?

They did say they will encrypt this location cache when the update is applied. Check the very last sentence of the press release.

The problem is, if your phone goes to the wrong hands (e.g. stolen) they could use this tracking data on your phone to know exactly where you are at a certain time of the day. Now, if this owner of the iPhone is a teenage girl and her phone was stolen by some sex offended pedophile or so, don't you think it's that

Worst trend? SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE. Period.

Make it cheaper then probably I might. at $20, it's a meeeeeeh situation.

TBH, this is VERY disturbing... I think I've already read about it last year, and thanks for reminding my one of the main reasons I DID NOT BUY AN iPHONE.

Thanks :D, just thought what would happen and encounter with Stardust in the future would be... haha, I mean, it's moving aimlessly in space, and is as dead as a rock (but evidently is a man-made object)

225 years later...

You will receive the email the first time it was posted, and the second time it was edited... Two emails. I have email notifications, so yeah. Hope that answered your question.

You guys keep on babling about why or why not one company should or should not be on the ethical list... Have you actually went to see how the process works? Probably not. It's not about their products or services, but rather more about the company itself, and how they handle employees, policies, and so on from the

I would probably give you a star, if I could... But I can't... Only Gawker staff and moderators (which are technically Gawker staff) can do that... and consistent good standing and continuous participation in the LH community will get you s star... sometimes, it takes a while before they notice people who are good in

same here, just without the giant several meters high water...

Along with some readers, I think the list was kinda wonky and impartial... or at least, illogical... I think you guys at LH should make your own list and we'll see how things goes... just a suggestion... Because i think you guys know better, hehe

That's one sweet dual monitor setup... I wish I had dual monitors....

ahhh, the joys of hoarding... You won't know when an idea will come up, you just know one will come.... hehehe

I share the same feelings with CnC4.... Although, I and my brother did manage to finish the campaign, just for the sake of finishing it. But then, after that we moved on to a new game since we didn't feel like playing it anymore.... a month later, it was uninstalled to make room for some newer games that are much more

Out of 72 faces, you correctly identified 51.