
Ahh, why didn't I think of that? :O

Wow, I like the new Flickr for Windows 7... HOWEVER, navigation does not work for the mouse... Only for touch I guess? think they need to emphasize that...

Kool! I kinda use Google Profiles, well, not really... Well, at least it looks much better now

Been happily using Ubuntu, although it's not my main OS, it's more or less my "peaceful side" OS, where I go to mainly for web browsing...

@pellier: hey, I frequently visit that site to check up on what's new and all that. Definitely love that site. I highly recommend it.

I have a dual boot windows7 and ubuntu 10.10 laptop... I use windows for intensive stuff, and to bring myself into a lighter pace, I boot into ubuntu mostly just for complete webbrowsing, and a few small things... it boots up fast and I definitely love compiz effects...

Yup, definitely agree on that. However, that where they got the idea and built-on it which makes it interesting, especially with the side-by-side comparison.

That's because the desktop is designed differently than folder/explorer... The desktop is, well, designed to be a desktop. While folders/explorer is designed to keep the files organized. I haven't even seen any file management program that will allow you to do what you want to do.

Nope, even outright copies with the "Your copy of windows is not genuine" label slapped at the desktop can still update.... That's not even cracked at all.

@pixelsnader: your a windows user? unless you're using XP or an older version of Windows, you probably haven't seen "previous version" when you right-click properties and file/document.... That's where they got the idea of Version Control.

I DEFINITELY AGREE that those die-hard Mac fans don't even know how to use expose... and I'm like, "wut? Ur a die hard apple/mac fanboi and you don't even know or use expose? Shame on you. It's like the best thing Mac has that can always be better than Windows 3D Flip. All you know is your 'It's best because it is."

I just use "invented" because that's how people I know term it to me... and I'm like, "invented? seriously?" so yeah... but yeah "re-inventing" should be a much appropriate term or maybe "improving" or "building-upon" haha

Don't worry, your previous comment was fine for me. No need to apologize. And yeah, sometimes I get anal with what starts up with my system, too. But often, I just look into the program's setting itself, rather than checking out msconfig, and that's why I didn't really see Google Update... haha

Not that I support pirated copies, but my friend who has one had no problem. I suppose it's because "Important updates will still be pushed to every Windows user whether they have a legal copy of Windows or a pirated one. We commit in keeping the entire Windows ecosystem secure by pushing these important updates even

probably not, but IT'S STILL DOWN and I can't play multiplayer...

Wait, so these are "NEW" features? Uhuh? Some of them are already existing features in Windows that most people probably didn't even thought of using... I mean, full disc encryption, I have it, but I don't use it... No regular person would use it... but I guess since Apple "innovated" this than more people would use

awww, probably a digsby problem then? I checked the digsby forums and other people are complaining about that issue, too. Seems to be a bug of some sort... Maybe just until digsby's next update, you'd want to not use it while playing....

Thanks for pointing that out. So then I admit I am wrong in that one... haha, but then again, I have several other startup applications and don't really see Google Updater as a real cause of slowdowns... Does it for you? Anyways, I guess it runs at startup to flag chrome if there are updates, and to download and

I would def —HNNNNGGGG!!!

And those are few of my main reason of not want ting to hide the address bar even if it's easily accessible....