
“since they’re banned form postseason play...”

“nobody knows what’s in it.” Exactly! It’s just like fuckin’ magnets!
-Shaggy 2 Dope

This seems like a Ben Lerner poem. I’m going to say, Angle of Yaw-era Ben Lerner, for sure.

Man, I hope this guy has an accounting degree from his days as a college player. With 12 kids, I can’t help but think about that 30 for 30 “Broke.”

He totally flips that random lady off at 23 sec. She’s like, “I just make sure coaches sub correctly.”

Thought that said “Mario Batali” and was like damn his drinking is getting out of control.

“Boy! we shall take your finest bottle of Jaegermeister—the most chilled you can find, your six-pence depends on it!—and six cordial glasses. And bring some of those magnificent American snacks, I believe you call them, Doritos.”
“On the double, m’Lord.”

Oh gross.

Don’t: Pick up the fucking bongos. Can’t remember why I told you to try that in the first place.

Are you sure your nub isn’t a wart? An HPV wart? Last year a few warts came in on my forearms and I was calling exes about HPV, and then one was like, “you dumbass do you even know what google is there’s multiple types of HPV and clearly yours isn’t genital. Also never call me again, blah blah blah restraining order

Also this:

I can’t find the link (due to laziness) but I read a transcript of these guys logically (heh) extending that the U.S. Constitution is part of scripture, and therefore it is equivalent to church doctrine. Remember, these are Mormons and there entire doctrine and mythology is very much centered around American

Hey, fuck you, Tom (if that is your real name.) The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge may in fact be a remote administrative building, but that doesn’t mean it’s “unspectacular.” Typical Biased New York Media can’t get excited about anything without a 100th floor glass bottom swimming pool. Can you watch a Greater

Enjoy your frostbite and tuna casserole MRE farts, assholes! The birds won’t even be back till spring, so we Oregonians don’t give a shit if you’re at Malheur.

I would write this dude off as an irritating attention seeker but for the note of sincere concern in his co-hosts voice as he semi-begs for him to not actually spoon the pig. Sounds like the co-host knows what this dude is really capable of, and fears it.

+1 for using Deadspin’s comments section to point out a copy editing mistake. I’ve thought about it so many times, but never had the balls.

Could he be “the one” who can smile while being punched in the mouth?

Dustin Poirier is not limited or fool-hardy. He was just fighting at a weight his body wasn’t meant for and was basically anemic. He’ll run like a Visigoth through the lightweight division and get at least to a championship fight. Nothing against Conor for catching him, tho.