
We absolutely do, and we need to make rear fog light a thing as well, except it would be ruined by the douchebags that would drive around with it on even when it’s not foggy out.

After you crest that mountain, you then see the even larger peak to climb:

This one?

Separate and a different color. Americans need all the help they can get.

Honestly we need to make amber rear turn signals a law here. Imagine how many rear end accidents would drop if the brake lights just do the only job it is suppose to do.

So it’s even worse that the Texas Democratic officials returned to Texas. Now the slew of inhuman laws that Republicans are pushing can go forward because they have a quorum.

But they don’t know those 300 kids! They could’ve been little shits! Fuck ‘em!

he futuristic fairing and narrow squinty headlight make this bike a rare beauty in a segment full of uggos.

Let him be.  Haven’t seen him this amped up since the beginning of COVID.  

Dude, you need to relax. Try some meditation, or calming yourself and softly saying “ohm... ohm... ohm...” Find your center.

I’m shocked they haven’t used this before. It’s kind of a grounded name that’s still current, and has a positive feel. Wattever. I’m sure they will charge an arm and a leg for it, anyway.

Dim, flicker, and off.  Star to you sir!

Take your star, you earned it (from a Triumph Bonneville owner who is not at all upset that you are totally right).

Dude, I’d be ordering a set of Lucas Electrics vinyls immediately.

Mmm, a British bike whose drivetrain is completely dependant on electronics. I cannot possibly see how this could go wrong.

Let me go log in to other browsers so I can click on this article again and again. These articles are what deserve the clicks.

You’d probably like the original VW Passat estate then:

So my husband’s like “There’s something on Jalopnik about a ridiculously poorly engineered thing where if you turn the wheels it destroys the engine. Let’s see if it’s one of our cars!


Per this website you can see how the rear interior lines up with the rear exterior louvred window.