
Some additional speculation I gleaned out of that thread:
- Speaking to her theft motive (in addition to basic entitlement): It may be that she wanted that particular bike as it may have been a charged e-bike she wouldn’t have to pedal.
- It seems like the young man was paying for it as she was trying to bogart it

That shit was funny as fuck. No lie. I would have doubled over laughing.

Everyone knows White women in NYC don’t get pregnant.

Pretty much..

And hurting her fetus?.. I mean come on.. 

Getting to ride a bike on somebody else’s dime?

Like, what’s the point, lady? What on earth was she trying to accomplish?

The fact that it persisted to make the jump to official canon in 2017 is the real headscratcher.

Please tell me this character has a really stupid Star Wars name.

I’d also accept Def Taiko or Din Tocsin.

Currently he’s called the “Time Grappler” on Imdb. At first I thought it was Clancy Brown.

Please tell me this character has a really stupid Star Wars name.
Bong Percusso?  

I still have my 2012, gets me a smile each I start that dang thing

Here it is !

Grandpa says Fiat X1/9. Not powerful but so much fun to drive. I got mine in 1979 for the lump sum of 10K$ Canadian, about 8K$ US. Kept the car for 8 years, drove in the winter and never had an issue, ever.

Username pun.

Well that spun out of control.

I will always love that Jason looks nearly life-size when presented in comparison to his Chang-Li.

Both on the same day?? Jason and David are the only two writers left here that truly embody the spirit of the old Jalopnik. The silly Torchinsky Time articles, paired with the true wrenching adventures of car lover, David. It’s going to be a tall order filling their shoes (nobody will be able to.) Honestly, I’m not

I met Torch briefly when I bought my truck last year, he was nice enough to meet me in an empty gravel lot in an undisclosed location in North Carolina. I got to drive the Chang-Li and he got to whip the Beige Unicorn around the lot. It was exactly as awkward as I hoped it would be.

people are gonna “pout-fest”

This is what happens when you demand “Man Date Freedom”