
If he regretted it, he wouldn't be losing his damn mind in defense of other abusers.

"I got cranky" stops being an acceptable excuse at a certain age. Like, adulthood.

He didn't talk about it with "regret and remorse;" he said it was his fault for not making her sufficiently afraid of him before things escalated.

Just think how many guys have been thrown off the bus for masturbating without exhausting all their appeals.

"So [thing the person never said]" is also extremely intellectually honest, Kurt.

[Daniel Tosh does an exaggerated Jerry Lewis collar tug]

Not for nothing, but a LOT of the worst abusers are nominally progressive (Metzger has self-identified as a feminist before) precisely because it's a built-in cover for abusive behavior.

He's an admitted domestic abuser so this is beyond the realm of the hypothetical.

Much like how the angle of a ton of Nate Parker coverage has been "What if he doesn't win an Oscar now???"


[mocking voice] "You act like a child"

People just won't stop being mean to rapists, no matter how much Kurt here insults them.

Slate is that-a-way, pardner.

Why do you care so much about defending rapists specifically, Kurt? Like, that appears to be just about all you talk about.

My dude's literal entire commenting history is going to bat for accused rapists as saltily as humanly possible and yelling at the Marijuana account. He seems cool.

"Okay, an occupation BESIDES apothecary."

Oh 6, actually.

I think maybe the 5 people who upvoted me do, Kurt.