
You sound mad, Kurt.

Hi Kurt.

I somehow doubt the "yeah but sometimes women lie" crowd is gonna start saying robbery victims need to be taken with a grain of salt after the Ryan Lochte thing.

God, comedy bros could give cops lessons in closing ranks to protect the worst among them.

Yep. It comes off in extremely bad faith in the context of how he's treated the issue, especially considering he admitted to choking a girlfriend a few years ago.

I think it takes a certain willful blindness to doubt any guy who does improv is a sexual predator.

"Edgy" comedy types sure do drift seamlessly between "words can't hurt you, pussy" and "private organizations are required to maintain a court of law's presumption-of-innocence standards."

Funny guy.

Antonio Wah-bato, Junior, IMO.

I think that might be what happened to me too.

Making it seem like they're gonna play Genesis-ing a kiss out of Tulip as a romantic moment but then (rightly) playing it as gross and punchworthy was a great little moment.

You'd think they'd understand acting considering they idolize a man who pretended to be a guy who'd won several more medals than he actually did.

Etta Candy is probably my favorite part of this because her presence alone is a pretty clear indicator this won't be as dour and unpleasant as BvS.

It's really good, you should check it out.

Did you read Jill Lepore's book?

The AV Club commentariat turned into Vox so gradually I hardly noticed.

Even though this looks streets ahead of BvS the fact that, even in a scene with a fairly light tone, Bruce's test of Barry is "see if he can keep me from murdering him" doesn't fill me with hope.

Normally I would think optimism based on nothing but a trailer would be premature but basically all the BVS marketing was as dour and grimdark as the finished piece, so they really do seem to be learning.

Yeah the thing about The Social Network's source book is that, while narrativized, it's remarkably bad at plot beats, or whatever their equivalent in nonfiction is, and often just reads like exclusively Saverin's account of how he got screwed. The broader themes that come out in the movie, meanwhile, are thin as hell.

This looks… fun? Or at least not aggressively un-fun.