
I mean I probably am.

A good bit of the review is about how terribly made the film is.

[singsong voice] Next election's gonna be worse and probably feature a Republican candidate who's smarter but appeals to the same people as Trump, and that candidate will probably win

"Also replacing him on the 20 is PC gone mad."

I'm not disparaging it, I'm just guaranteeing it's not real.

I'm the definitely not-fake veteran with a comic book avatar.


"Before I saw this movie I never realized how racist Dumbocrats are!"
-Twitter user GasCucks1488, whose avatar is Pepe in an SS uniform

My favorite is how Lincoln's suit is of a style popular decades after he died.

I thought it was pretty funny when he cited AJ Soprano being assigned to read Zinn as proof of his pernicious influence.

Congrats on your Call of Duty high score bro.

Congratulations on figuring out that comment wasn't actually Howard Zinn, bro. Nothing gets past you.

Well Beck thinks he's too liberal.

What do you think that word means?

(Also he was a fairly mainstream tech reporter in the UK up until 2013, when he sold off the Kernel and got caught trying to stiff his employees)

Yep, pretty much. The pro-Trump/white-supremacist thing obviously had a lot of overlap with Gamergate to begin with but as people stopped caring about the latter his schtick shifted more and more to the former.

His name is Newt Gingrich and you may not agree with his politics but he has feelings.

I got a Ghostbusters notification for THIS?

I dunno. It'd probably feel more that way to me if it was Obama himself but First Ladies don't have the same constant, overflowing plate that screwing around on talk shows takes away from.

My parents are dead, so their favorite show is Ray Donovan.