
I feel really bad that she was subjected to this but it's hilarious that Milo had the hubris to think being Internet-famous among neo-Nazis meant Twitter wouldn't care if he coordinated abuse of an actual famous person.

The AV Club

Not yet; I've heard good things, but I've also heard critiques that he conflates things like the aforementioned case with stuff like people getting fired when it came out they were doing the kind of stuff this article talks about.

And so many people, famous and otherwise, shoot themselves in the foot by thinking they can fit complex thoughts into that space. That PR woman who tweeted about how she wouldn't get AIDS in Africa because she (ETA) WAS white was misinterpreted, sure, but it was dumb as hell to think she could pull off a point like

I've defended its utility for a while on the grounds of its value to on-the-spot news delivery but even that just results in stuff like that Sikh guy trolls have claimed was identified as the perp in like 5 terrorist attacks.

Well he's scrubbed it to some extent as homophobia dominates the conservative id less than racism/Islamophobia, but he has a long history of very open self-hatred. One time he claimed he was "turning" straight because being gay was too accepted to piss off his family.

I've talked to people who loved it, people who liked it a lot (I'm one of those) and people who were meh on it. I've yet to encounter someone who actively hated it who wasn't clearly an actual insane person.

I… think he's trying to look like 4chan incels' (his base) idea of what a gay guy looks like?

And then, hours later, a convention speaker ripping off a speech from a black woman. If you put that in a book your editor would write "TOO ON THE NOSE" in the margins.

Should probably be noted that this escalated the way it did largely because Milo Yawhatever from Breitbart deliberately deployed his flying monkeys (which is something he does a lot, just rarely to famous people). Good thing all those nominally respectable news outlets did profiles about how charming and cheeky he is.

That sounds ridiculous and dysfunctional enough to be true while contradicting the obvious quasi-sexual satisfaction Trump gets out of ritually humiliating Christie.

Muskie or GTFO

It's really hard to believe that this time four years ago Mitt Romney was awkwardly screwing around in diners going "Ah yes, the famous 'Sloppied Joe,' beloved by all us regular folk."

Reap what you sow and all that. I love that the Republican party is basically Mr. Burns frantically trying to roll up his window to keep Lenny away.

A good prank would be to edit her statements on the attempted coup in Turkey and change every condemnation of "this coup" to "this coup."

It probably informs his view on the Crusades a fair amount too.

This is largely here for the entertainment angle; if they really wanted to go after him they'd run an article on how he caused the biggest HIV outbreak in America this century by cutting family planning funding.

I think that's a fairly safe assumption.

Certainly not them Mexican judges.