
I was really pleased with them finding an actual arc for Soso in s3 when she so clearly existed in season 2 just so someone could be more naive than Piper.

Well in fairness Pennsatucky in season 1 has spent an unknown number of years believing her own hype about being God's chosen, compared to the crisis of faith she was coming down from by the time she was raped in s3.

Yeah Sister Ingalls is the least likeable character on this show.

I can't figure out how much I hate Larry because of the character or because of how, because of his sort-of-relevance as a result of the show, it became apparent what a toolbag Jason Biggs is.

That happened between seasons 1 and 2, the character had already been written off.

It's not exclusive to "geek culture" by any means BUT "geek culture," more than any kind of interest or pursuit except maybe sports, encourages this totemistic, vry-srs-business, can't-depict-the-Prophet view of things that entertain you, to the point that a person who has the kind of problems that would lead to them

Hi Daniel.

I was sold when I saw 21 Jump Street and he poked fun at himself as a doofus manchild way more effectively than I ever could.

There's somethin' strange… in your kid's assigned reading… who ya gonna call?

Because the people who diap out on the Internet about "identity politics" and "victim culture" have bigger persecution complexes than literally anyone else.

The twist is that she faked them all because ladies totally do that for reasons.

I dunno, a lot of other recent movies have had similar culture-war hubbub surrounding them (Fury Road, TFA, etc.) and I don't feel like it kept the critical reaction from being genuine, whether you liked or disliked it.

Maybe some people lump you together because you both have a similar sense of proportion.

"Haha, no there aren't, right, other actors who were on SNL?" Mike McDonald says, laughing nervously.

Which is ridiculous considering people only know who he is in the first place because of a movie where he lumbered around being a doofus like a buff Buddy the Elf.

Yep. Let the first wave of people go in with low expectations and be pleasantly surprised enough to spread good word-of-mouth.

Why can't I find that study on how men perceive themselves as being outnumbered when a group is 50/50 men-women?

Yep. My Twitter avi used to be me with my wife and when I accidentally ran afoul of a talk radio dick who will not be named, 90% of the stuff his fans sent was directed at her and it was stuff like this.

It's almost as though the entertainment industry cares significantly less about creating iconic black characters—i.e. the very notion they're invoking Shaft to make fun of.

Both women's Twitters are full of people accusing them of making them up or insisting people say the same things to men.