
I can't stop laughing about Shaft being the only black character any of these idiots can name, even the ones who are like 15.

This entered drinking-game territory pretty quick.

A white Shaft? Can you even IMAGINE a gritty crime thriller about a WHITE private eye who plays by his own rules? How would that even work?

Jesus, Internet.

It's just a more vanilla version of the Little Richard/Lorne Michaels sex tape.

Huckabee's just mad his bit about how awkward it is when your large adult son tortures a dog to death didn't get more laughs.

Rick Perlstein had a really great piece earlier about the cultural and political resonance of the era in NYC's history that produced Death Wish:

Are living people typically buried?

The first one being Bob Hoskins' last movie is a bit of trivia that always sounds made-up to me.

That's some fine walking, there, Lou.

You know what really identifies someone as having lost an argument? Loudly declaring victory.

So explain what you think should have happened, because nothing you've said makes any sense (well, makes even less sense) if you think he should have been.

Ummmm [pushes up glasses] no literal gloves were involved, so IN ACTUALITY, SIR [snorts] your comment CANNOT be called a "fact."

Your argument is that he shouldn't have been fired for repeatedly making his employer look bad because…. something something Tony Kornheiser.

^Imagine being the kind of person who thinks this sounds badass.

I know Ted Cruz was beaten pretty resoundingly in New York but to see him brought so low that he's trolling the AV Club just makes me feel bad for the guy.

Energy is for IMPORTANT things, like defending Curt Schilling's right to never get fired no matter what he does or says.

[pushes up glasses] Ummmm ad hominem much? [snort-laughs and adjusts bowtie]

"NO U!"
Wow, you weren't kidding about your mad debate skillz.