
Glad to see you've stopped pretending this is about anything other than your tribalist whining about how it's not fair to only punish YOUR guy.

Hahahahaha oh my GOD dude. I hope you never spontaneously develop the capacity for embarrassment because you'll probably stroke out on the spot.

Yes, dear, I'm sure you really feel this strongly about ESPN's HR integrity and the fact that you're whining about how the right-wing nutjob was given a raw deal compared to people who said nominally left-of-center things is entirely coincidental.

And I hope it didn't ruin your day when you were told you couldn't join because you made everyone deeply uncomfortable.

"Trans women are all perverted child predators who should be forced to instead share bathrooms with little boys."

You know who invented the rule "I win if you point out that I'm dumb"? People who are dumb.

No you just sneer about it as a "leftist cause du jour" as opposed to an issue that affects real people.
Also imagine being such a sad human being you think "I hope you were never on debate team in school" is a sick burn.

ME: Durr well I think if they get a home run it will be good for them
ESPN: Yes, thank you Zack, good analysting
ME: Also Italians pimp out their own sisters
ESPN: Shit

As long as you're reaching, can you get that book down from the top shelf for me?

Wow, lot to unpack here:
- "Democrat" =!= "leftist," hence the party establishment's current furious efforts to keep an actual leftist from getting the party nom
- who cares whether its something they've "been interested in since time immemorial?" This controversy derives specifically from North Carolina's Republican

So the statement proves ESPN is full of crap, but also the fact that it doesn't say it was for multiple offenses proves that had nothing to do with it? Mmkay.

Which is hilarious, because they made every attempt to let him off with a warning even when he was openly calling for the death of Hillary Clinton.

Homeboy's problem is he completely agrees with Schilling but knows how bad that looks, so he has to find some other way of defending him even though it relies on an awful, stupid analogy.

Actually, this is the "pet cause du jour" of rightists, hence their broke-ass states deciding the number-one priority is to pass legislation about it. You (and Schilling) don't get to play the victim and act like the people reacting to that are the ones obsessing over it.

Did they both keep on doing and saying similar things and not get fired?

Stay tuned for Curtland, the best new sports-reporting website about how the Baseball Hall of Fame is run by the Bilderbergs.

In Trump's defense, he was in Pittsburgh at the time, which is very easy to confuse with Hell, which is where Joe Paterno is.

Also athletes-turned-"analysts" are basically all charity cases anyway, so not embarrassing his employer was pretty much the only thing expected of him.

Advocating treating a minority that's at heightened risk of violence like predatory deviates is very much advocating illegal/immoral behavior.

Unlike past incidents
of people being “let go” from the sports network, ESPN made no effort
to make Schilling’s removal sound like anything other than a man being
unceremoniously fired from his high-profile job
Well to be fair they also didn't give those other people like four suspensions for similar incidents before