
Gone Girl is actually pretty atypical of Gillian Flynn's work, the rest of which has fairly standard thriller plotting but a really vivid sense of Middle America as a Godforsaken, blighted hellscape.

They should have centered it on the DC Metro and just called it "The Girl."

Jennifer Garner will wonder for the rest of her days if the accent she used for the audition wasn't convincing enough.

I guess it makes sense since Blunt's big break was a movie in which Anne Hathaway is the butt of fat jokes.

It's weird that they were apparently only ever seeking really good, consistently interesting actresses for such a nothing part.

Funny you should mention that, since today is celebrated as Christmas in the atheist religion since it's the birthday of its founder, Hitler.

Well, yeah, it's definitely very similar; my point is more "let's stop pretending fanboys can be appeased."

Ah. Sorry, I'm dumb.

Is this a thing people are seriously mad about?

The British have always been from Eastasia.

Stop censoring me for speaking bold truths about Obummer.

Meanwhile, the most common complaint about The Force Awakens (after, again, "WTF are these women and black guys doing in MY movies?") was "This is too similar to the original."

See, this is what I'm talking about: people all across the coherency spectrum finding a dozen different ways to say "It's not that they're women, it's that they're women."

That's Amateur Hour. REAL trailers have a woman vocalizing it acapella.

That's many films.


That's possible. A lot of other people, though, seem convinced its existence necessitates the steamrolling of every copy of the original, if their howls of "MUH CHILDHOOD" are any indication.


Um excuse you have you forgotten the "historically accurate" King Arthur movie with Clive Owen?
No seriously have you? I can't find anyone else who remembers it exists.

Not for nothing, but treating the presence of a woman or black guy as automatically a gimmick and therefore worthy of scorn is pretty sexist/racist.