
Gosh, I hope not.

You're also angry you can't read, I'm guessing.

Oh you wish it was an "interpretation," son.

Okay, we have a new category of Mad Online: Mad Online because a stranger's wife is healthy.

You're the one making this about your boner. That table wasn't set by anyone else.

I am genuinely envious of your ability to feel like you came out on top no matter how ridiculous you look.

I guess you'll never know until you read it.

If you're this incapable of engaging an argument that wasn't made by an imaginary person, I guess that's your right.

Would it blow your mind if I told you that it's not that you have to think she's hot, it's that nobody wants to talk to the kind of guy who thinks everyone needs to know which women he doesn't find hot?


[50 replies about how that would be SENSOR SHEEP and STIFLING DISCUSSION because to truly have a discussion, you need a guy with an anime avatar announcing he wouldn't do Amy Schumer]

Also if you really believed that you wouldn't be treating Lena freaking Dunham as a Horsewoman of the Morbidly Obesealypse.

Except, of course, being Mad Online.

You get THAT from "beauty standards are subjective and fluid"?

The Venus of Willendorf is the first known instance of SJWs trying to push their agenda on us.

Same, I feel like I missed all The Discourse and everything on top is dorks who found this link through some creepy Manosphere link roundup.

No, never mind, that was it.

This might be the saddest attempt at the "So you're saying" rhetorical gambit in Western history.

Shed those pounds today, ladies, and the attention of a virgin who spends his afternoons being Mad Online can be yours!
