
It never takes long before guys like you accidentally switch gears from concern-trolling about health to just admitting you don't think you should ever have to see a woman you don't want to shtup.

LMAO "ACTUALLY IT IS YOU WHO IS MAD!!!!!", right on schedule.

Now WHY might a woman who's fat feel bad all the time? What on EARTH might contribute to that?

Speaking of "objectively bad," you and analogies are in kind of a one-sided relationship.

Lots of fat people don't have diabetes. Literally no one this mad has any friends. I'm not sure I quite agree with your police work, there, Lou.

Son… you're mad.

So in other words, this is all about how the term makes you feel?

Again, son, I really think you'd be a lot less mad if you read the article you're so mad about.

It's not inconsistent at all. Fat people are ignored in popular media because of stigma surrounding them. That's why the examples listed are anomalies.

Which is it, is the AV Club forcing you to admire fat people or forcing you to pretend they aren't fat?

You would have to ask the imaginary people who do that.

It also sucks to be mad about an article you didn't read and that's even easier to fix than losing weight.

My God… that's it! The problem is that fat people don't know they're fat! Please give me your credit card number and expiration date as well as the security code so I can direct-deposit your McArthur Genius Grant.

You have made pretty clear that you don't make much distinction, if any, between consideration and coddling.

Who are these people who actively "get to that level of bodyfat [sic]" based on magazine covers? Because I keep hearing people like you get hysterical over them but I'm not sure they actually exist.

LOL The Daily Mail.

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at what a sick own you think this is.

I know! You can't be contemptuous of ANYONE to feel better about yourself anymore!

Son you can trust peer-reviewed research or you can treat BMI as a valid measure of health, not both.

Dude, not to tell you your job but "MRAs only like fat women" is… not a thing.