
Mountainside exposure? Really kick it old-school.

The issue is that it treats autism as some kind of plague on your child that takes them away. Because if you read between the lines, the idea of eschewing vaccines for fear of autism is saying "My kid having a preventable illness, I can handle, just don't give them behavioral problems." I went into more detail on the

Now, now, you inoculated him a little bit.

Have a snickers, Andrew. You're not you when you're hungry.


Wakefield, whose research was already discredited as an “elaborate fraud” five years ago,
That's the most egregious part of this. The "conversation" de Niro said he wanted to prompt already occurred.

[does the "that's not what censorship means" dance in an endless loop, even as my senses fade and blood fills my shoes]

I would have some snark about it being the only way the people coming up with this stuff could talk to one but I honestly can't think of many other explanations.

My God… it's full of rare Pepes.

I think I might be a Microsoft.


My sister-in-law makes $500000 a day harvesting organs from gentile babies for the New World Order, learn how

^I'm with this guy.

Tay quit her Twittering job and joined a violence gang!

I Have No Mouth, And I Must Slur

Well I guess that's scientific confirmation Michael Mann's Miami Vice movie wasn't actually an overlooked gem.

In college I had to sell plasma for a while and the donation center had that on several times, which sounds like a grim joke even though it isn't.

So sick of these inaccurate opinions. #GreekerGate

Shoulda gone with DC and gotten George Pelecanos to write it.

People act like comedy's gotten so much more PC but the modern descendants of the "up yours, n—-r!" lady from Blazing Saddles are supposed to be endearing.