
Really? The complaint I'm hearing is it's so desperate for you to take its leads seriously it makes them both sociopaths.

My novel reached its crowdfunding goal to get published over the weekend! I'm crazy-excited.

Never read her, so I guess we have to go to a tiebreaker.

Oh God I did not think this through.
Wait that makes it even more likely.

Meh movie, one of my top five opening-credits sequences.

Maybe there shouldn't be that much to Get in a movie about men in tights beating the crap out of each other.

I'm hoping there's still a chance for Wonder Woman since he's not directing and it apparently features Etta Candy, who it's hard to imagine being grimdark.

Dammit, the CW Archie show is going to end up being really, really good, isn't it?

I'm sure the guy who's openly vowing to "open up" the First Amendment so he can sue journalists will take that into consideration.

Jeez, two Trump items in one day?

Some, I assume, are good people.

Did we really need a "House Bolton's Interior Decorator" gimmick account?

It's "therappists," not "the rappists."

The bathroom?

Kendrick wishes he could come up with a simile as evocative as "Eat it like a piece of cake."

What do you suppose would happen if some clever wordsmith were to suggest that instead of the more traditional "rap," it would be more appropriate to brand it with the phonetically similar "CRAP music?" Mass riots, I'll bet. That kind of truth is too bold for this fragile world.

Well, it's Reddit, so he may just mean it promotes race-mixing.

Anyone who ships Rory with anyone other than Paris is wrong and bad.

This has enough comments that someone has probably already said this but it's not particularly prescient to make a joke about a guy who'd been threatening to run for president for about a decade at that point running for president.