
Hahaha oh my GOD, dude.

No, sweetie, I said define it, not copy-paste a description. Nice try, by your standards.

Aw, sweetie. Villains are memorable.

Explain to me what the term means, li'l buddy.


I guess I could but you seem incredibly boring and there's stuff I'd rather be doing.

And this guy is saying something incomprehensible about a "safe space."

For the purposes of context, when this guy gets banhammered, his comment was derping about how she should have gone to the cops.

Also other people who worked directly with him having been coming out of the woodwork to say Kesha's accusations sound like the guy they worked with. It's not like Sacco was fired after people lined up to say she made AIDS jokes in their presence.

I mean, it seems inherently limiting to take that completely off the table, but the idea that people liked Deadpool specifically because of the R rating is pretty dumb too.

I can't believe "kid-friendly Chinatown knockoffs" is enough of a subgenre for this to compare unfavorably.

A day after the London Has Fallen review, I honestly think Hollywood's conviction Edgerton is a beloved marquee name is more baffling than their similar conviction re: Gerard Butler. At least 300 was an inarguable hit.

I saw Willem Dafoe but I'm ridiculously excited about this.

Terrence Stamp.

All things considered all I absolutely insist on is Vanessa Bayer as Television.

Now just give me Tom Waits as Mad Sweeney and life will be perfect.


Just forgetfulness, actually, because I liked that a lot too.

Surely you're not suggesting the people who call the Klan a "leftist organization" because it was founded by 1860s-era Democrats don't take a nuanced view of racial issues.

The absolute ideal, I think, would have been The Candidate-era Robert Redford.