
Off the top of my head I'd say Last Temptation of Christ, Dead Man Walking, The Mission and (I may be asking for trouble calling it either good or faith-centered) Tree of Life.

Whoa, now I want deets.

Yep. Because the producers know that the people who make these movies hits aren't going to see a good movie, they're going to send a message to Liberal Hollyweird about where they stand in the culture war.

You know, crackers.

You did a great job of reading the actual words I wrote.

I've gone on this rant before but it offends me as a Christian that there are actual good, faith-centered films, but the makers of Christian Films, the genre, are so confident in their built-in market that they couldn't care less about bothering to make them not-terrible.

Well there's the guy who played Tom in Baz Luhrmann's Great Gatsby but I get why he'd want to avoid typecasting.

It's about time someone adapted that Chick tract where the sexually abusive father learns his lesson and prays for forgiveness.

He said a while back that the most visceral opposition to Obama is based on racism and that as a black senior citizen from Mississippi, he should know, which is the one thing most guaranteed to infuriate that element.

Meanwhile, we can't cast an actress who actually looks vaguely like Nina Simone because we don't know if such an actress could open a movie.

One of that movie's biggest missteps was how blatantly sinister it made Veidt from the outset. Casting someone like Eckhart would have helped a lot.

Well, Freeman has been their See, I'm Not Racist, A Black Says Black History Month is Bad standby for years, probably a lot more so since they had to stop citing Bill Cosby.

When I worked at a grocery store in college, one of my supervisors was this SUPER-cheerful, friendly, competent guy, and I ended up looking him up on Facebook and literally every publicly visible picture of him was him in an SS uniform.

Yep. Done wrong, such a request is basically Dean Pelton asking Abed to solve a crime because he's "special."

Yeah it comes through more what a good performance it is when you get to see him with his guard down, like him freaking out at watching Bailey on TV.

This is a big part of (albeit not the sum total of) what people mean when they use "white feminism" as a pejorative.

They make good burgers, Walter.

It seems like it's maintaining balance okay so far except for its insistence that Robert Kardashian was a secular saint. It's also been emphasizing (with, apparently more to come in a much more explicit fashion) Clark as a decent woman whose moment in the spotlight was ruined in large part by sexism and naivete about

I'm positive that wasn't the point of that. I was joking.

Briefly thought you were saying King was one of the few shows that didn't interview Resnick last week and I was thinking "No such thing as bad publicity, I guess."