
I just really hope there's some actual skulduggery this season. I hated season 3 because it ditched all the Shakespearean ridiculousness and the result was "what if everyone on The West Wing was an awful dick?"

"Have you tried a taco?"
Glad to see Jarvis ships Peggy and Angie too.

This might be the only time this comparison will ever be made, but it reminded me almost of the Hannibal courtroom episodes, where there was clearly this sense of "this might not really be how law works, but we're not a legal drama, we're just using a courtroom setting to get to point B."

This show is so unexpectedly, but unflaggingly great that I'm probably going to end up checking out the CW's Archie show simply because I've learned such a big lesson about CW shows and judging books by covers.

The Had to Be Fired From SNL to Be Funny Club contains multitudes (Noel Wells, too).

Ida B. Wells or GTFO

Leightweight chock me, daddy.

Reagan was a two-term governor who had already come within spitting distance of the nomination twice.

Orange is the New Blackshirt.

I don't want him to be the new Barry Goldwater either because that would mean the new Nixon is watching him and coming up with a more sophisticated version of his schtick.

Erstwhile Clueless actress and modern-day clueless actress.

Please clap.

The former being a movie that, coincidentally, I keep thinking was Hillcoat, what with the gorgeous-but-sinister landscape shots and Nick Cave on the soundtrack.

My go-to example of his acting ability is always Gone Baby Gone just because it says something if the director is your big brother and you still completely kill it.

She's appeared multiple times but I still think Suzy Essman as Ilana's mom might be the best family-member casting I've ever seen.

Wall twerking, twerking towards freedom!

Did Kenneth Choi gain weight for Wolf of Wall Street? Because he looks slightly heavier as Ito than he did in Captain America but like he's lost a lot since WoWS.

In real life, sure; the show's versions, meanwhile, light one another's cigarettes with their own and have their big fight staged like a breakup scene.

Also let's be real, Boardwalk Empire's version of Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky were about as overtly gay as Eddie Dane.

We can maybe have TEA sometime.