
Taraji Henson is like Stanley Tucci in that she's been in bad movies/films but has never once contributed to their badness.

Tough, but no cookie.
One of my least favorite bits of Chris Carter-esque writing in the entire show was them deciding to ruin her towards the end by turning her into an unethical fame-ho.

I think the closest thing we have to Lesbian Voice is something like Big Boo from Orange is the New Black, but it's nowhere near as culturally ingrained.

Ray Stevenson's acting has this aspect of being masculine on his own terms and unconcerned with how anyone else perceives it that made Sirko work really well; he's not gay but his performance as Danny Greene has a similar quality.

Angela Darmody, Joanie Stubbs, Sapphire from Steven Universe, Batwoman.

To be fair, Rawls does the same thing all the time. But I agree that it's a little too subtextual to fit in with the rest.

It's a shame that The Crying Game's cultural legacy has become so much about "the twist" when it's not so much a Usual Suspects-esque denouement and more the close of the second act that sets the stage for a whole lot of further plot and character development. I think a lot of people have missed out on it because they

Now I'm remembering how during the Oscars that year they had to run a clip of Kingsley silently reacting to something because there were literally no dialogue snippets suitable for network TV.

I think so, but I also think basically every pair of male Sam Peckinpah characters who don't hate each other have homoerotic subtext. And even some of the ones who do hate each other.

He brought friends on set? That's unprofessional.

It's also far and away the best role Gooding's gotten in years, which could probably spawn a thinkpiece on the Diversity Goofus and Gallant that is movies vs. TV these days.

I had never heard of this but it sounds really, really good.

That, I think, gets to the heart of what makes Greg a dick, if not a villain. He doesn't deliver reality checks out of sincere concern, but because he's frustrated and cynical and likes company in it.

Talk about specific typecasting.

If I made a list of things this show does that a lesser show wouldn't bother to do, we'd be here all day, but if, say, a Chuck Lorre show had a character named "White Josh," that would literally be all there was to him. Just, people call him "White Josh." That's the joke. This show, meanwhile, gives him a character

Bloom has said Harold Hill is her dream role so I imagine she's been waiting for the right context for that number for a while.

I got the impression White Josh was charmed by Darrell without necessarily having fallen for him whereas Darrell is clinging to White Josh as his font of answers.

I don't think I've ever seen a TV show explore bisexuality as something a person who "lived as" straight came to realize about themselves, even though that's definitely something that exists.

"I don't trust you as far as I can throw you, which is not far, because you eat bagels after 8 p.m."

Oh dear. You're not very good at this.