
Are you sure I'm the one who seems a bit sour? I'm not the one who's still mad at Alan Alda for some reason.

Awww, honey.

It seems like it's made you pretty happy.

I'll give you that the idea of Swift's donation being unhelpful is ridiculous, but public statements of support from big names are a big deal too simply because people like Lovato are in a position to apply the kind of pressure it would take for Sony to let Kesha out of the contract.

People don't get what women in music risk by seeming ungrateful to people with seniority. I guarantee no Dr. Luke collaborator saying Kesha's claims sound plausible is doing it lightly.

I mean it's all but spelled out that Mayella's younger "siblings" are actually the product of Bob raping her.

I'm sure she has some but I can see how a donation would be good for her peace of mind considering her ability to earn is inextricably bound to Dr. Luke.

What do you mean, "you people?"

"How dare you call me a misogynist, and also women, in general are liars."

I mean she was recruited out of high school. There were almost certainly some greedy-ass adults not looking out for her but if you're a teenager who all of a sudden Gets To Be a Pop Star the fine print isn't going to enter into your mind.

"Hey, would a racist blame an Iranian-Canadian's victims???"

Don't worry, as that Jackie Fuchs article demonstrated, we can just believe her in a few decades after her career is destroyed.

It's the only way we'll learn.

A mentor figure pressuring someone he recruited out of high school to lie for him? The devil you say.

If the slug claimed the people following it fabricated it.

I, for one, welcome our war on Males, particularly White Males, overlords.

Geez, what an unlucky guy, that multiple girls are accusing him of similar patterns of abusive behavior!

People who upvote your own derp: you understand we can tell that you did that, right?


Ugh what garbage site linked this?