
I bet it's hard being the only person who has the objectively correct position on every issue, even though you make it look so easy.

And if they're offering to let her work with another producer, how does she benefit from keeping up a lie when the reason she wanted out from the label entirely was because of its negligence? What, to a person who thinks she's lying, is her real motivation for wanting to wash her hands of Sony altogether?

Imagine what the takeaway from all this is for a more obscure or poor rape victim who sees someone with money and a name still not getting justice.

It's like a week or so ago when Bret Easton Ellis told the NYT his favorite books and one of them was "Ulysses." Sure, sweetie.

God, imagine how satisfying the Tumblr full of sad white people at premature Trump victory parties is going to be.

Trump KIND of believes in war for its own sake; he regularly calls himself "militaristic" as a positive characteristic and has completely undefined plans to destroy ISIS; that said, he has to go after the Bush doctrine because it's the number-one policy legacy of the last Republican president, and appealing to

My fantasy is that, after his inevitable defeat, he realizes he's spent so much out-of-pocket, hurt his brand so badly and lost so many partnerships that he's ruined in the long term.

That would be pretty convenient for him if he was.

I'm tired of the reverse-racists implying white men have nothing butts, and I stand with #Trump against #whitegenocide

Neiwert's "The Eliminationists" was one of the most ahead-of-its-time books in recent history.

"I meant it like 'go away,' libtards! I mean, Hillary-loving DNC shills!"

Can't believe Obama didn't go to the funeral to make fart noises. #inpeach

I think that used to be a much better parallel than it is now. Since Fox dumped him Beck is basically just a televangelist, to the point of claiming a literal gift of prophecy and implying God killed Scalia to illustrate why we have to elect Cruz.

Lately I've been thinking of how Al Smith lost to Herbert Hoover in a landslide based on both anti-Catholicism and circulation of clips of his extremely thick New Yawk accent. Imagine how mad the success of Trump and Sanders would make him.

I think it just honestly takes them a while to think of the entire comment and they type ellipses whenever they pause, like the cave wall in Monty Python.

Of course that's also why he's completely unsustainable in a general election once he's courting people who vote on issues other than "I like him because he makes the Jew media mad."

My favorite part of it is her contention that the Pope criticized Trump because he's in the tank for Cruz. That's definitely a new one.

I liked the guy who said Trump would get rid of the "cussing" in cartoons.

This is the comment of someone who's working his way up to comments where he pretends to be a black guy.

Really makes you think.