
Did you even read this? Far from being any kind of "attack" it grants him a billion times more nuance than he actually has as a person.

And yeah, comparing Trump to Lonesome Rhodes is ridiculous. Rhodes is undone by the revelation of his contempt for his audience, whereas Trump has worn it on his sleeve from the beginning and they don't care at all.

Two of the Cruz people's biggest attack lines against him in deep-red states are that and a clip of him talking to lesbians on Howard Stern. We live in interesting times.

Yeah if he's capable of watching the first 15 minutes without fidgeting and yelling "This is SO GAY, when is he gonna SHOOT SOMEONE" I'll eat one of those ugly-ass red hats.

Thank you!

I agree, it's outrageous how grand juries refuse to indict black people who murder other black people.
P.S. "Black on black crime" is not a thing. Crime is overwhelmingly intra-racial for all racial groups, but only black people are told that this phenomenon means they're not allowed to be angry when the police murder

I finally finished my novel at the end of last year after working on it for the better part of three years and this past week, I signed up with a crowdfunding platform that'll publish it if I get enough orders in 3 months, and I'm almost 20% of the way there!…
(Sorry this may seem

"KKK? Whoa, that's not good."

And Darden has to spin it as being "emotional" to avoid being seen as That Guy.

They are a) largely useless and annoying and b) really, really easy people to go through life completely unaffected by their existence.

It's weird, this show's presentation of Marcia Clark as a flawed but tough woman who thought she was going to become a star and avenge a fellow woman at the same time is making me like the real person more, but the depiction of Kardashian as a total mensch whose only agenda was helping his friends is wearing REALLY


We Are Richer For Having Lost Him.

It occurs to me that Wonder Woman is exactly the sort of character they might have done a Dark Knight Rises/SPECTRE "SHE'S NOT THIS CHARACTER YOU THINK SHE IS! SHE'S SOMEONE COMPLETELY NEW!" thing with, and I'm so glad they didn't.

If Jesse L. Martin was part of my show's main cast I'd find any excuse to get him singing too.

The book didn't have nearly enough scenes where Atticus tells Scout she's stupid.

I feel like Rose and Paula from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend would get on well.

This was cute and it felt like the show's most successful attempt so far at applying a Muppet Show sensibility to the current cultural landscape.

People casually referring to "Father Brah" in the third person should in theory get less hilarious at some point but we're a long way off from that threshold.

The De Niro version would do better if they called it "Stealy Grandpa."