
Oh, to be optimistic enough to think getting people to acknowledge racism is a problem is the easy part.

He won Best Supporting Actor for Glory. Not that that makes them NOT pointless.

This is beyond "kind of conservative," this was basically a politer "antiracist is a code word for antiwhite."

That many major award nominations for movies nobody actually had any strong feelings about whatsoever is cleaning up, yes.

The Butler is a historical drama starring a saintly, nonsexual black man standing athwart history, i.e. the only thing that DOES prompt the Academy to acknowledge black people.

Another sick own, crybaby on a message board who is mad at people he perceives as crybabies on message boards. Your homies at r/mymomsaysi'medgy are gonna be so impressed.

I wish the interviewer had asked her why it took her 50 years to be a good actress.

Stacey Dash is God punishing us for deciding we miss '90s pop culture.

That was a sick own of the imaginary version of this comment that said "knowledge is based on feelings." Maybe you shouldn't rely on your script so heavily.

And meanwhile, other movies of that sort like Steve Jobs and The Danish Girl cleaned up despite the fact that no one thought they were anything more than pretty good.

Bingo. And course actual racism is going to continue to be an actual problem as long as people insist nothing less than a secret meeting in which the Academy verbally agrees to shut out all the black people because they hate them so much and then laughs maniacally counts as racism.

Thank God for comment histories because I was about to upvote this thinking you were calling out Not-Helen-Mirren.

The sheer disingenuousness of choosing a controversy over lack of diversity in nominations to begin insisting the Oscars are a pure contest of merit is pretty nauseating.

I dunno, I think Pam has become way less of a vehicle for fat jokes than she was starting out. They're never going to handle it sensitively, necessarily, because it's Archer, but I feel like she's presented more as legitimately hot, just with all the same awful personality flaws/psychological problems, rather than

Cousin Johnny was never in danger of ruining Justified, per se, but his only character beats were "resents Boyd" and "secretly lusts for Ava" and there was really not enough material in those characteristics for him to stick around as long as he did or take up as much time.

He's awlwrooooong!

It's weird that 99% of the cast is characters who are kind of lovable even as we know we'd violently hate them if we actually had to interact with them, but that actually bled into the character in the case of Hazel.

Eli's stupid Scott Tenorman son on Boardwalk Empire.

I think it was option C: she is the personification of the show having more time than plot to fill it with. It was probably down to her or yet another non-starter attempt to capture Kilgrave.

Will probably check this out purely for Allison Tolman completism. Count yourself lucky you're releasing this while I'm Hateful 8-d inside my apartment for the weekend, Amazon.