
Mo Better Artisanal Macarons

The sight-unseen boycott was embarrassing but I do think he's got a point in calling out, however artlessly, this weird notion Quentin Tarantino has that he's an honorary part of black culture because he's so into it. I wish someone who was less of a prick could make the same point (as, reportedly, Denzel has tried to

He's super-full of himself and has a Donald Trump-esque tendency to decide that everything that occurs to him must be a great idea to say (viz. him saying earlier this year that a Lysistrata sex strike on college campuses could stop rape). That said I think he's right on about this particular issue, and his movies

I'm in favor of him killing Eddie Redmayne in a duel, if that's where this is going.

[Mark Wahlberg stares forlornly at phone]

It makes the rebound easier. You're with someone else on Valentine's Day? No worries, they'll probably love this life-size tiger made from conflict diamonds too!

Also Silver Linings Playbook didn't have the parameters of a real person's life but to be several years a widow she would have had to have gotten shotgun-married after junior prom.

SOOO crazy!

I think Boardwalk Empire spoiled me for anyone but Anatol Yusef as Meyer Lansky although from what I've heard about his affection for the role, he'd probably be thrilled to reprise it.

No one finds and researches insane crime stories like T.J. English. If you haven't already, check out "The Savage City" too. "Making a Murderer" but with racism and '60s New York. It sounds like David Simon talking in his sleep.

She's German.

Well, at least shes not playing someone clearly written as about 37 this time.

Joachim von Ribbentrop: Hey girl, you like operas about tough frauleins mit spears?

To be fair there's a lot it would make sense for a Greek to have intervened in during that period too.

If they really want this to be a hit they should play up the fact that she's partially based on Margaret Sanger and make some heads explode. Bada-bing, Streisand Effect.

Did you read Jill LePore's The Secret History of Wonder Woman? I knew Marston was pretty openly feminist but I had no idea of the extent to which he learned at the knee of the big guns in the movement.

Going further, it looks like just the right amount of gritty. You have to make Diana a badass but that doesn't mean you have to do the mid-90s "you have to be a sociopath to be cool" thing.

It's gonna be pretty weird when all the WW action figures are Chris Pine.

She's just like us!

I can't remember if DC has some equivalent of the Legacy Virus she could wish on people instead of CancerAIDS.