
I09 is theorizing the WW1 setting is because it's safer to have an anti-war message in a movie about a war pretty much everyone in hindsight acknowledges was pointless. Myself, I'm betting it's so she can be outraged women don't have the vote yet.

We had superpowers. I forget the rest.

The W is for Williamsburg.

She comes from a civilization you've probably never heard of.

Oh thank goodness.

I got a three-way notification for THIS?

Irony… DOESN'T… make things less annoying?
[smashcut to Zack burning the complete works of Tommy Wiseau]

Eh, I like having a comment section where I can make fun of politicians without the risk of anyone screaming about #BENGHAZI.

"Sen. Cruz, is The Martian a comedy, yes or no?"
"Well, Neal, in our family we don't watch movies about ethnics."

Why can't they just make the whole plane out of Nicki's verse?

Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps.

That's stupid. I'm the only one who's better than everyone else.

It'd be the natural followup to that "I will destroy you, you fat f—k" look Swift gave her when she lost to her at that one awards show.

I KNEW Bill Hicks was still alive.

East London, which legions of pedants have reminded me is distinct from Cockney somehow or other.

On a similar note, I love that she apparently has to be barred from drunk-tweeting. Maybe she was the one who hacked Jeremy Corbyn's account the other week.

You're oversimplifying. The cute part has to be stopped too.

Maybe we'll luck out and it'll be Trump. Window's closing.

[Arlo Guthrie voice] Kid… we don't like your kind.

Girder? I just met'er!