
It's in the third graf, EZ Reader.

[does the "that's not what ironic means" dance in your face, giving you strange, forbidden thoughts]

Well yeah, all sorts of things. There's The Floosh, Urrow, Frush off the Bort… the midseason hiatus feels like it's lasted FOREVER.

Broard Ewuality is my favorite show. I can't wait to see what Oorbi and Iluno get up to this season!

I think, my own bias aside, that there's enough substance within that white noise to make a value judgment, though. Even in the context of Internet activism that's seen as less "real," even if you don't think stuff like lack of Black Widow action figures or men taking up too much space on a train isn't important, it's

Too dignified.

Is it misandrist to ask why MRAs all sound alike?

Suicide as activism is a clear identifier of a legit movement. That's why al-Qaeda is so respected.

You're right. Suffragists were MRAs.

It doesn't make me "uncomfortable" at all, you smug, unemployable virgin. Your "question" was "Feminists y r u dumb and evil and fat" and you would have accepted no answer but "I dunno, sorry, we'll cancel feminism."

I can't tell if this is you or if someone already made a parody account.

I care exactly as much what they want me to call them as I care what Trekkies want me to call them.

"WAHHHHHH feminists addressed exactly the issues I wanted them to address but I don't like their tone WAHHHHHHHHHHH."

Well, it wasn't a real question.

Also hahaha you spelled #MISANDRY wrong, you dumb man.

Oh, did They do that? In the official Feminism Newsletter?

Guys, he's right. Movies aren't real. Let's go. We're done.

We have several MRA guests here to angry, vocally prove you 100% correct.

Also, there are no "respected people in the MRM," you silly!

You have no idea what a straw man is and also you did not invent "I have a black friend," sorry.