
I know bro, I hate how feminism isn't all about men too. Makes me so Mad on the Internet.

You're right, I can't believe I thought the pompous angry Internet guys who hate women were your guys.

Sorry I touched a nerve, lad.

Are you okay?

Is it a Strawman, Ryan? You're being very vague on this.

How do we pronounce the hashtag when we yell?

I suppose it's easy to act like your movement is only about Srs Bizness when you excommunicate the ones who are mad that movies have girls in them.

Well, yeah, one is a weird superhero movie and the other is about werewolves.

The numbers back this up; repeat viewings and/or women are driving the box office.

Hey folks, the rules are if someone doesn't know how to spell a word and just keeps on using it we're allowed to make fun of them for it, right?

it all comes back to penis size
The AV Club

None of them will have the energy to abuse children after trying to talk to him, does he have ta draw youse a picture?

Also Hobgoblins all the way.

To use a reference that won't confuse them, they're the warring future atheist factions from South Park.

If MRAs had an extremely long bow they wouldn't be MRAs.

I read this comment out loud and the whole bus applauded.

Well, their efforts are making it illegal to give little girls clitorectomies in sub-Saharan Africa, but I somehow doubt that was what you were going for.

And how come gay rights activists aren't bringing awareness to issues with public transportation, huh?????

"That was a PIZZA fart, not a TACO fart, STUPID."