
Would not be at all surprised if they asked him to do a walk-on and he said he'd only host, nothing less.

Also this week every year is the one where we find out how many teenagers/20-somethings think blackface is hilarious, so I'm not really buying the "they'll all be dead soon."

Maybe it's wishful thinking but I don't know that the frothing Trump base will fall in line behind a Latino who co-wrote an immigration reform bill the way former Santorum/Gingrich/Bachmann supporters did with Mittens.

Who Killed Atlantic City?

A+ username-comment synergy.

Trump has gone so long without facing any financial consequences for the stuff he says that he's essentially that South Park where Cartman fakes Tourette's and gets so acclimated that he completely loses his filter.

I'm gonna enjoy this thread before the Trump-trolls get back from church.

Maybe the REAL Donald Trump was the friends we made along the way.

We're gonna do a deal to make a daughter-squared and it's gonna be the best deal because I always do the best deals and she's gonna be yooooooooooge so we'll put her on the most beautiful, luxurious crash diets in the world before she turns 8 because everyone knows that's the age a girl once and for all turns out hot

Area Baby Doesn't Have Any Friends.

Especially since he had the self-awareness to make the awkwardness central to the joke.

i am also too doing a miss of yourself

I mean, it is kind of weird that he got deleted and the numerous one-shot "SUCK A DIKC LIBTADRS TRUMP 4EVER" trolls didn't.

Why helo it is i jimbles notronbo

More of that statistical analysis you do so well.

When your mother's friends ask how you've been she tells them you died of a drug overdose.

That is an interesting solution to partisan divide you've got there.

Well, that wouldn't be fair to all the regulars who were smart enough to abandon this hellthread when they realized it was going to go over 300.

By electing a man who gets in Twitter wars with anyone who criticizes him.

Matt Lauer is eternal. Our time is not his time. He is now and yesterday and tomorrow and forever.