
So just for the record, in your mind, you are Tom Cruise in this analogy, making you the one in the right? That's what you're going with?

Will it hurt your feelings if I tell you I don't really think a Trump supporter is arguing for less mudslinging in good faith?

Well, that's different. Your tears when he goes down in flames/possibly kills himself won't be quite as sweet.

To a retarded… and beyond!

You seem to know nothing about political issues or its recent history.
You think the entirety of New York state elects the mayor of NYC.

And again, I really don't trust the "statistical analysis" of someone who thinks the entirety of New York state elected Giuliani mayor.

Hillary Clinton has never been president before. I'm really not sure how you missed this.

"You obviously don't understand how elections work," says the man who thinks Donald Trump is going to be the nominee.

You are, again, completely delusional, although I'm glad you have the self-awareness to realize that without racists your boy has no voters at all.

Christ I still can't get over how that place somehow became more of a cesspit after that old drunk died.

Is this a suicide note?

You think Black Lives Matter so you support a man who bought ad space in the New York Times to call for a lynching.

Nailed it, intern. People who don't think Hillary Clinton is progressive enough will vote for Donald Trump.

No, he said blatantly racist things and once had to settle with the federal government for refusing to rent to black people, so he's a racist.

…would a racist do a sketch in which he is literally borne on the shoulders of black guys? Who you refer to as "the darker cast members" for God-knows-what reason? That's your question?

Give the poor dear time, he's making this up as he goes.

If Trump is the nominee, it doesn't matter who he's running against, Latinos will turn out in droves to vote against him. You are utterly delusional.

Funny, I could say the same of someone with this level of childlike faith in a scam artist like Donald Trump.

Mexican immigrants in general, actually. In fact, he specifically said that's who Mexico was "sending," implying that legal Mexican immigrants are all of those things.

No, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have claimed "they" voted for Rudy Giuliani.