
Trump made no such distinction re: legal status and is in fact in favor of restricting legal immigration.

You realize you need more than unspecified "supporters" to be president, yes?

As old Iowan Republicans go, so goes the nation.

Seriously. As one of those dreaded journalists, do these idiots have any idea how boring the summer/fall the year before an election year typically is?

Well from what I heard Williams ghostwrote all of his songs anyway.

I just figured Brian Williams would be Carson's running mate.

Just stop making fun of the moral scold who can barely form a sentence? The hell I will.

You're gonna have to explain that one, champ.

Come to think of it, walk-ons aside, the only non-conservative candidate I remember actually hosting was Al Sharpton.

It's the weekend, when people normally relax or hang out with friends, so of course the trolls are here.


"If you weren't all shrill crybabies you'd support a man who gets in Twitter fights with anyone who criticizes him!"

It's not "outrage" so much as "weary bemusement." This whole thing of calling everything the Internet isn't 100% positive about "outrage" really needs to end.

Is this also a Simpsons reference?

Nailed it. We're scared of everyone having jobs and being rich.

I have learned my lesson about thinking Trump supporters are hateful. I will never do it again.

Oh snap, I forgot Trump insisted that wasn't what he meant, and if I was an independent thinker like you and accepted everything he said as fact, I'd get that. We can't all be jeenyuses, I guess.

Stop being childish and support the man whose response to a woman asking him tough questions was to say she was on her period!!!!!!!

Yes, it's so sad that the racist, misogynist shouting manchild who knows literally nothing about politics wouldn't have unlimited power.

See my earlier point re: you never having actually met any of the people you hate.