
Actually you call his pregnant wife his daughter.

Yep. That's what happened. The librul media kept me from understanding that there are good kinds of bankruptcies, just like there's good cholesterol.

That was the absinthe, can't you read?

Can we thank capitalism for Trump's habit of torpedoing his own businesses and then declaring bankruptcy?


They've also got one coming up with Matthew McConaughey and Adele, for all your goofy accent/career revival needs.

A libertarian sexually aroused by his own rambling! I got bingo again!

We don't pay attention to foreign affairs because we need to finish doing fractions immediately, i think.

From your mom.

We can live like kings! Damn-hell-ass kings!

You know the guy you support wants to deport people who don't speak English, right?

Bait of knowing what words mean?

Nor a member nor blog of it, huh?

No, you have to actually use them properly, is how this works.

The very first line of your very first comment is you scolding people for using No-No Words.

hmmm…. nice try at the proper use of ellipses…

P.S. If you weren't a craven n00b, you would know the AV Club is strictly a High-Class Cuss [sic] Words Zone, you impecunious blackguard. Devil take you, says I.

Welcome to the instant gratification society of the lowest common denominator and lack of care for foreign policy
I feel like you're maybe trying to fit too many thoughts into this, gramps.

"you all are a bunch of whiney[sic], facist [sic] P C losers for thinking you're allowed to criticize someone."

I wouldn't wanna explain why my central argument makes no coherent sense either.