
I too know lots of liberals who can't get through a comment without ranting about MSNBC apropos of nothing.

But if I kill myself I won't get the chance to vote Democrat so I won't have earned it! It's Schrodinger's Should Kill Yourself.

Dude if you're going to do the "The AV Club" meme you have to get the format right.

Trump trying to pander to evangelicals in general is hilarious. It got buried because of what he said about John McCain, but at that same forum he'd been talking about what a fulfilling experience it was to "have my wine and my little cracker."

"Let's take a chance on whether or not the hedonistic egomaniac destroys the country! It'll be fun!"

Not really your business, champ.

It was published in Psychological Science. You should learn to read.

No, Trump doesn't bow to the whims of Wall Street, he bows to his whims and his whims alone, and he has the personality of one of the really bad Roman emperors. Clearly this is an improvement.

Libertarian citing a fictional character as evidence! I got bingo!

just look at his personal life, he's obviously not racist or sexist
"Looking at his personal life" will uncover the multiple times he has apropos of nothing talked about how he'd like to have sex with his daughter.

Fair enough. I, meanwhile, am pretty confused by his apparent conviction that only children are named "Zack."

Conservatives describing The Immutable Facts about libruls is always fascinating because it's so obvious they've never met any, they just take people who hate them at their word. It's like reading 19th-century European anthropology texts.

Once more, since you don't seem great at reading: I did not introduce the subject of Latinos. Your co-troll did when he asserted what Trump said about Mexicans was correct and cited stats about Latinos.

I'm not a liberal, so I wouldn't know, but the fact that you're acting all wounded about someone generalizing about you while you yourself generalize everyone who disagrees with you is adorable.

Never said that but I get that you wouldn't have much to say if you couldn't misrepresent what the people you were trolling said.

Geez, Trump makes interns work Friday nights?

"Choosing to be a woman" is not a thing at all but research does in fact indicate being trans is innate.

The not-even-concealed seething rage on Trump's stupid monkey face while Seth Meyers and Obama mocked him at the 2011 WHCD was the greatest thing I've ever seen.