
Sentencing disparities are a thing, lad. A well-documented thing.

Well, no, actually, your co-troll is the one who first mentioned Latinos. Maybe spend less time making up Guatemalan/Venezuelan friends and more time reading, champ.

Did Dead Breitbart link to this or is Stormfront down?

You're weird.

So you declared Trump was correct based on an interpretation in which you equated immigrants with Latinos in general.
Nope, no idea why anyone would think you were racist.

Better trolls, plz.


"I didn't say Latinos are rapists, I said they're criminals!"

That is a really weird, sad insult, son. Made even sadder by the fact that you managed to misspell a name that's right in front of your face.

As opposed to your claim that Latinos are predisposed to rape.

Do me a favor and look at the name next to this comment. Is it "Google?"

It's not a personal insult any more than telling a farmer he was no good at farming.

Yes, the media mention Bernie Sanders. What a weird thing to ask.

How would anyone even be able to tell?

And yet you made it explicitly about Latinos and whites, not immigrants. I'm not even sure what you're trying to do and I can still tell you're not very good at it.

Well, yeah, because the cast is so white that, as a tanned-ish white lady with dark hair, they bring her in every time they need someone to play a Latina.

Neither is Carson, apparently.

While meanwhile police unions are openly implying they might murder a filmmaker for being mean to them.

How's Bernie doing with the media?
What does this even mean?

So does their whole "rhetoric puts people at risk" thing only apply to cops, or are they just saying they'd be fine with him being murdered?