
"Now," LOL.

Also, next on Phillip's hitlist: Todd from Breaking Bad for stealing the "Evil Landry" niche he was out to fill.

This really seems like a B- review. Basically all I'm seeing in the way of criticism is that it skates over the weighty issues it touches on (which is sort of a feature rather than a bug in a season that's decided to prioritize the Hapstall case).

Forget it, Jake. It's Quinntown.

Like 5 BLM protesters at one protest chanted "dead cops," so if you say the cops shouldn't murder people, you endorse killing cops, or something.

That feel when girls at the bar don't care when you tell them your son is famous but maybe telling them you were on TV will help.

This is like post-Sandy Hook when the NRA posted clips of anti-gun celebrities shooting guns in movies, as though they had really gotten them good by paralleling their opposition to gun proliferation with their willingness to pretend to be people who use them.

My favorite response to this so far has been Fox hosting former NYPD Commissioner and actual convicted felon Bernie Kerik to talk about how he has the vapors from Tarantino saying some cops are bad.

No one tell him about singing post offices.

Whoops, that makes sense.

[Hercules Mulligan voice] Oh my God, tear this dude apart.

The pants line is actually directed at Mulligan, re: his line about "sewin' some pants."

Mrs. Zack and I saw Sarah Vowell, the author of said book, speak in Washington a couple weeks ago and she quoted "Hamilton." I squee'd.

So sick of these SJWs pushing their agenda on our Continental Army.

We move undercover and we move as one.


Oh my God that's perfect. Iraqi detainees have died for less.

And also the social awkwardness that make him decide "I assaulted your friend, let's be pals" is how you introduce yourself to someone.

Oh yeah, that's definitely true. I certainly didn't mean to imply there was no position from which to object to the camps in good faith.

America is sick of being told we have to respect a ginger.