
James Cagney and Pat O'Brien drifting apart after O'Brien beats out Cagney for the lead in "Knute Rockne: All-American" due to fallout from the latter's Spanish Republican sympathies.

Theo is clearly Syndrome.

Imagine how much worse this would have been if someone other than Donal Logue had said the line "He's rollin' with the blonde number."

Except everywhere in your state is a short drive away, e.g. Justified regularly featuring the [three-hour] drive from Harlan County to Lexington as a routine hop.

Genuinely did not realize not everyone understood that or that it was some kind of syntax. It means "does not equal."

I thought it was implied that he had sort of weaponized respectability politics going on but it's way funnier if he just uses that as a cover for the demo thing.

"You know what was wrong with Breaking Bad? Saul wasn't Bubbles from The Wire."
-Empire writers

"acknowledg[ing] that their partner in the conversation is black" =!= appointing their partner Ambassador of Blackness and treating them as though they speak for their entire race.

Ha, they said you'd say that.

And I forget, I forget
The MCU song.
When you gonna realize
It was just that the Joker was wrong?

I get that a lot of it was just Michaela's personality but the Eve-Annalise reveal was SO much better than season 1's "OMG so ur SECRET GAY????!!!"
Also Eggs911 is clearly Ann Veal.

HE says that too. He thinks it's a blistering indictment of his competitors that they have a history of accepting his money.

I know a lot of people say that they support him because he doesn't behave like a typical politician, but do they realize that that's only because he doesn't behave like any functioning adult?

I used to joke that he had pictures of Roger Ailes with a dead girl or a live boy but I've started to genuinely believe it.

"Dawes, I love Dawes, tremendous, tremendous musician. I met all the Dawes at an event I did a few years ago that got a million attendees, more attendees than we could count."

GOD all these people talk like minor jerk characters on Agent Carter.

He's also demanding the FCC fine Rich Lowry for saying Carly Fiorina "cut [Trump's] balls off." AMERICA IS SICK OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS and also I demand the government punish the bad man for saying a no-no word.

Her party loyalty really is the nadir of "whatever, just don't take my money" conservatism.

Why did Jenner have mismatched eyes? Is that a thing?

If you havin' girl problems,
I'm sore-y, buddy.