
Earnest songs expressing horrible sentiments are one of the most consistently hilarious things South Park does, viz. Cartman's song about minorities at the water park. "I even saw some… Native Americans! (Gross!)"

At this point it's really not even incorporating stereotypes anymore (aside from the sore-y thing) so much as taking advantage of the mild weirdness we associate with Canada to use it as the cauldron for whatever gleeful absurdism they can come up with.

There's definitely a sense of coasting on the shock value in the early episodes rather than joke-writing or character work, it's just that when the latter became a bigger part of the show, it was really, really good at them.

Chekhov's Gore.

Oh come on, give us a hard one, Trump would never concede not knowing something.

I liked this one overall but I'm not a huge fan of the continuity thing. It never really affects the plot, it's just like a reward to the viewer for having paid attention to… the previous episode.

IS Annika bi, or was she just supposed to lie back and think of Empire?

Considering that's basically exactly what happened when Chris Wallace asked him to back up the idea that Mexico was "sending" criminals…

My favorite moment was when Laura Ingraham was on promoting some stupid, pseudo-humorous fake "Obama diary" she'd published and Colbert was pretending to think Obama had actually written it and telling her that he knew Obama was a dirty commie but he never knew he was such a terrible, banal writer who fell back on

His father literally believes he is the modern equivalent of the anointed kings of Biblical Israel.

I mean, they're trying, they're just such wet sandwiches that he just responds "LOL shut up homo" and comes off the victor. Jeb! has been hammering him with his extensive heresies but because he's Jeb! none of it lands.

It's kind of a tightrope, though, because a big chunk of his support is people who know nothing about him but know that anyone the media hammers must be okay. He could have done more in terms of giving him the rope to hang himself but I can see how that needle would be tough to thread.

The birther question was a smart play. Trump largely bases his appeal on the idea that he's beholden to no one but between that and that wild-eyed hill-person talking about "getting rid of Muslims" he's making it ever clearer that he's smart enough to recognize that his support is literal crazy people and is scared of

I was going to chide you for forgetting "bigly" but I guess that's an adverb.

His dad was, actually; he got his start exploiting Daddy's municipal connections in New York. At least two degrees of separation from earning anything he has.

This is America, if you want your mental disorder diagnosed and treated, shoot up a public space.

His Achilles heel, though, is probably his conviction that everything he believes is right because he believes it. I think he'd stick to his guns on things like universal healthcare even if it threatened his standing simply because the alternative is admitting he was ever wrong about something.

What, you're not into the what-if-that-woman-who-repainted-the-fresco-of-Jesus-did-a-portrait-of-Matthew-Broderick look?

Rubio is largely the kind of menace the powers-that-be hoped Scott Walker could be: a guy with all manner of terrifying, far-right positions that can still seem nice to the massive portion of the electorate that's never going to so much as Google him.

Also the fact that he's basically bullied the rest of the field into adopting white nationalist positions because they're scared he'll be mean to them on Twitter is pretty troubling.