
He's a different kind of worse candidate; everyone else has a clear plan of how to ruin the lives of basically everyone who's not a donor, whereas Trump has no idea how to govern (or interest in it) and as president would likely govern something like how Idi Amin caused massive inflation by printing money in response

Imagine how weird this is going to look to future generations (if you're optimistic enough to think that our system won't be so hopelessly vulgarized by then that this seems low-key). It's like if the caning of Charles Sumner was put on YouTube.

Yeah but still not as bad as [MOD NOTE: Wow, you SO can't say this].

Only if 49 other women corroborate her story though.

Also her music isn't substantial and doesn't try to be but it's still toe-tappin' fun.

But Gary Oldman's in it too! Two woman-beating bastards everyone forgives because they like their acting cancel each other out!

State of Grace is great but that's not enough not to upvote this.

I miss when "beta male" was a genuinely apt description (normally self-applied) of a certain type of person like you're using instead of the MRA equivalent of calling someone a race traitor.


Look, Big Lyndsay, it's Regular Lyndsay!

You can just say "Yes."

So student fees don't pay for speakers?

The "alternative viewpoints" whose hurt feelings folks like you are outraged about are, in many cases, war criminals, which is why students don't want their student fees paying for them to speak on campus.

Hey leave the Seven Dwarves out of this.

My experience being stalked by you? Well, I definitely have that.

What's inaccurate about that description?

I worry it'll turn out cell phones really do cause cancer and the only people left to repopulate the world will be pretentious folk singers who don't talk on phones at all because that's not "real."

Yes, I'm sure you would say that. It's incorrect, but I'm sure you would say it.

you should be a grownup and realizes [sic]that no one cares but you.
You care. You really, really care. You can't claim apathy when you are spending this much time making it clear that not only do you care, you're offended.

Genitalia is about the least important part of a person I can imagine, in most cases.
Dude you're whining about how women want to be called women if you don't think they have the right parts for it. You don't get to fall back on the "Psssh, WHATEVS, I don't even CARE." You have established this as something you care